Kurita’s Views

March 12, 2006

The following article found here gives some of Kurita’s current views and objectives on various subjects.  The article does reference many actual current events (one of the few is the challenge to Ford mentioned in my previous post), but it does give some insight as to where she stands on certain issues and things she plans to do if she gets elected.

Kurita challenges Ford

February 28, 2006

Kurita has challenged her main oppenent in the Democratic primary to a debate about why he voted yes to the bankruptcy bill that was passed last year. This is of major importance in Tennessee as its biggest city, Memphis, has the nations largest number of bankruptcy filings.highest bankruptcy rate. The article can be found here. It also makes mention of a statement that was made by Barack Obama, who jointly appeared with Ford, that Kurita has used often during her own campaign.

New Competition

February 2, 2006

This article shows that Kurita and the other Dems have a bit of a boost coming their way.  Former member of the U.S. House of Rerpresentatives, Ed Bryant, will be joining the race facing opponents Bob Coker and Van Hilleary in the Republican primary. 

Recent Poll

January 31, 2006

This Poll Shows That Kurita must be down on the ranks as there are two other Dems beating her out.  She is not even mentioned at all in the article.  I am going to dig deeper and find her exact numbers, but this is rather disheartening to see my candidate that low on the list.